Sunday, March 9, 2014

Albums I Have Loved: The Project

In this blog feature, I plan to dig deep into the ancient recesses of my CD collection (and my dad's cassette tape collection). That's right, I'm going to revisit the albums of my youth in all their potentially embarrassing glory. Why? Because I love music, and there is precious little music you love more than your first musical discoveries. Also, me trying to review the Backstreet Boys over a decade later will be hilarious.

In my secondary school days, I didn't listen to all that many albums. I had no money for CDs except around Christmas and my birthday. Thanks to the inception of Napster, I made a ton of mix CDs. If you find yourself wondering, "Hey, given her taste in music, why doesn't she review ______?" then I guarantee I had at least five songs in the artist's discography. Maybe I'll do a Songs I Have Loved feature next!

Intro Post, Naturally

Hello, everybody! Welcome to Birthday Pen. I plan on blogging about anything that catches my fancy, but I'm willing to take requests for topics. Some salient points about the author:

  • I'm an early childhood educator and view much of my life from that lens.
  • I was an English major, so I like to look at media through that lens.
  • I imagine my English major lens as a monocle.
  • I live in the Boston area.
  • I'm great at reading, mediocre at cooking, and terrible at learning choreography.
  • Yes, my blog title comes from the lyric in "Pretty Good Year."

Happy (future) reading!